Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm really, really good at procrastination. It's insane! I do just about anything to put off studying or working on school stuff. Which I really should not be doing right now. So I went to Wal-Mart and bought a bottle of nail polish. This one. From Pure Ice.

I love the color! I don't know what it's called. Because the sticker on the bottom fell off. Sometime between putting it in my basket and getting it home. But that's what I do. I should be studying. But I'm buying nail polish and chocolate.

But it's kind of my plan. I come home. Eat some chocolate to give me some energy. Then, I polish my nails and study. Why? Because if I polish my nails, then I have to sit still. And well, there is nothing better to do, but to read over my notes. Those are my keys to studying. Now, back to studying. :)